Collection of funds for Pavlyk’s treatment

13/08/2022 Thanks to the Charity foundation “Indigo World”, Pasha underwent surgery. Pasha, who turned 10 on August 8, is struggling with the insidious diagnosis of cerebral spastic infantile paralysis and cannot walk by himself.
Collection completed

Project description

When he arrived at the rehabilitation and had a medical check-up doctors recommended emergency surgery that would give him a chance to stand on his own and walk with support. 30.06 Pasha underwent an operation, the result of which we can already see. Certainly, we weren’t prepared for events to develop in this way and certainly financially we weren’t ready for payment of the invoice amount. For that reason, we need to ask for fundraising assistance for the amount of UAH 533,400. (15,240 euros).

We really need your repost and financial support. We have already collected 70% of the amount. Pasha’s mother is looking forward to his first steps. “They say that every person should have a dream. I also have it, even two: for peace to come to our country as soon as possible and for my son to stand on his own two feet at the age of 10. Let it be uncertain, let it be with my help, but standing, not sitting in a wheelchair. I really believe that everything will be like that” We ask you to support us, because Pasha needs more than one rehabilitation after the surgery, as well as orthoses. Your reposts and financial support are very important to us. All collected funds, if the project is not implemented, will be spent on the needs of children who lost their families during the war and displaced persons with small children.

June 2022