Privacy Policy


General Meetings of the Founders of the ” Indigo World” Charitable Organization

Privacy Policy dated October 24, 2019

Kyiv – 2019

§ 1. General provisions

1. This Privacy Policy (referred to as the “Policy” or “Privacy Policy”) is an integral part of the Terms of Use of the Site concluded between the visitor (referred to as “You”, “User”) and the Indigo World Charity (referred to as “We “, “Fund”) regarding the use of the website: (referred to as “Site”).

2. All capitalized terms used in this Policy and the meaning of which is not expressly defined herein shall be interpreted as defined in the Terms of Use. This Privacy Policy describes the types of personal information we receive from visitors to our Site, the manner in which it is collected, processed and used. 

3. The Policy explains how We use this information, describes other details about Our personal information practices, and explains how you can contact Us if you have any questions or concerns. Information and personal data are collected, processed and used in strict accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine.

4. We reserve the right to make changes to the Privacy Policy at any time and for any reason, without additional notice to you of the relevant changes.

5. Your provision/posting of information on the Site constitutes your agreement to the contents of this Privacy Policy and means that you give your consent that We may collect, use and disclose/distribute your personally identifiable information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If You do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, DO NOT send Us any information and immediately stop using the Site. 

§ 2. Types of information we receive

We collect information related to you only if you voluntarily provided the relevant information or expressly agreed to its provision and/or use. The information we collect includes:

Information that allows us to establish your identity: We may collect information that allows us to establish your identity (referred to as “Personal Data”) in cases where you decide to interact with Us and provide relevant information through feedback or by filling out separate contact or registration forms forms on the Site, or otherwise provide this information through the Site, including by sending requests, making charitable contributions through the Site, etc. Personal data includes, among other things, information about your name, telephone number, residential address, e-mail address, details of your documents, and other similar information.

Secondary (technical) data: when you visit the Site, certain data are automatically recorded on the Foundation’s servers for system administration, as well as for statistical or backup purposes using a number of technologies, including, but not limited to, cookies, tags, IP address tracking /url tracking and other tools. The recorded information may include the name of your Internet provider, in some cases – your IP address, data about the software version of your browser, about the operating system of the computer from which you visited the Site, the addresses of websites that you visit simultaneously with our Site and, if applicable, your search parameters that brought you to the Site, date/time stamps, number of clicks, viewed advertisements, and the like. You can block or disable cookies on your computer, which will limit the collection of Secondary Data, which is carried out through the use of cookies, but in this case you will not be able to use certain functional properties of the Site and your user experience may undergo negative changes. 

We may also use other tracking services (third-party programs), such as Google Analytics, to understand and investigate your use of our Site. Please be aware that Google Analytics collects information sent by your browser as part of a web page request, including cookies and your IP address. In this case, Google also receives this information, and its use is governed by the privacy policy of Google and/or the operator of the Google Analytics software; We are not a party to your relationship with third parties, such as Google Analytics operators, etc.

Payment information: We do not directly collect information about your payment methods, such as bank cards, etc. If you wish to make a charitable contribution through the Site, you will be redirected to the website of a third party – a payment operator, through which you can make such a payment, your payment data will not be provided to the Foundation, but to the operator of such a payment operator. Please note that your data will be processed by such third party in accordance with its privacy policy or other agreement concluded with you.

Children’s Personal Data: We do not wish to collect information about visitors who are under the age of 18. If necessary, We can unequivocally draw the child’s attention to the fact that he should not send any personal information to Our e-mail address. If the child’s parents or other legal guardians discover that the child has provided certain information to the Site and believe that such information should be destroyed, upon their request, We will take steps to delete such information.

§ 3. Use of the information we receive

1. Your Personal Data and other information provided by you are used only for the purpose for which you provide them to Us.

2. We will use the information provided by you in order to support and organize feedback from you, to send you correspondence, messages, information, including of an advertising nature, for maintaining Our databases, including a database of contacts, visitors, benefactors, etc., for carrying out statistical, advertising, sociological and other research, for the formation of contracts and other documents that are necessary for establishing Our relations with you, and also to prevent violations of confidentiality, legal norms or terms of contracts.

3. We do not sell information to third parties.

§ 4. Data security

1. The Foundation undertakes to carefully store the information and data provided by you in a secure manner, and to take all precautions to protect the information from loss, misuse or unauthorized alteration. However, no method of transmitting information over the Internet or mobile communications, or any method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. Accordingly, despite Our efforts, We cannot guarantee or ensure the security of any information You transmit to Us through Our Site.

2. You confirm that you understand the risks described above, in particular, that the information you provide may be lost or obtained by third parties, and that you will personally and independently bear all risks associated with this.

§ 5. Dissemination of the information we receive to third parties

We may disclose the information you provide to third parties only to the extent objectively necessary to achieve the purpose described above, to protect the security or integrity of our Site, to protect against prosecution, or to facilitate legal proceedings or inquiries. other state bodies; or in cases where, in Our opinion, it is necessary to provide such information in order to prevent physical harm or financial loss, or in connection with an investigation of suspected or actual illegal activity.

§ 6. Links to other resources

You should be aware that other Internet sites linked to on the Site or in the Foundation’s e-mails may have their own information collection and processing policies that may differ from this Privacy Policy. In order to ensure the protection of information confidentiality. 

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the provisions and privacy policies of other sites, programs or other electronic services that contain links. 

§ 7. Contacts

You can manage your email communications with Us, including opting out of receiving emails, by contacting Us directly. In addition, if you prefer to receive e-mail only from Us and wish to delete your data, incl. name and address, from the list, please contact:

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or if you believe that we are not following this Privacy Policy, you can write to us at the following address: