We work for peace!

11/08/2022 Charity Foundation “Indigo World” cooperates with various volunteer organizations every day and primarily provides humanitarian aid to children with special needs, mothers with many children, and elderly people who had to leave their homes due to Russia’s war against UkraineWe seek peace and try

Charity Foundation “Indigo World” cooperates with various volunteer organizations every day and primarily provides humanitarian aid to children with special needs, mothers with many children, and elderly people who had to leave their homes due to Russia’s war against Ukraine
We seek peace and try to prevent a humanitarian crisis! However, we do not have enough funds, medicines, food products for children with special needs, elderly people and women with small children. Every day, caring people from different countries, communities and companies join us.
Do not be indifferent! We need your help! After all, it can be decisive now, it is your donation that will save someone’s LIFE and become part of a new history.🙏